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The State of FireTech Report 2024 Update examines how public agencies, research institutions, philanthropies, and the private sector, are collaborating to scale innovations for wildfire resilience and adaptation.
Section I—Year in Review, summarizes key wildfire trends in 2024; recaps how increasing investment in different categories of FireTech can help address key wildfire impact trends; and identifies how collaborations are bringing together public agencies, researchers, the private industry, and funders to scale the adoption of relevant and appropriate FireTech solutions.
Section II—The State of FireTech 2024 Survey captures key reflections on the development, application, and scaling of FireTech solutions from four distinct yet overlapping perspectives: entrepreneurs, researchers, end users, and funders. A longitudinal understanding of these perspectives and trends will be important to develop relevant, appropriate, and interoperable FireTech solutions for diverse end user communities on the frontlines of the wildfire crisis.
To address the wildfire challenge comprehensively, policymakers, funders, public agencies, private enterprise, and communities need to come together to collaboratively invest in a systematic approach that encompasses prevention, mitigation, and adaptation.
The 2024 Update centers industry leader perspectives on three shared priorities for thriving with fire: a) implement community-focused mitigations, b) adopt ecosystem stewardship at scale, and c) deploy advanced fire detection and response technology. These strategies align with past policy recommendations and are supported by academic research. Implementing these shared priorities will require innovative partnerships and financing to meet the urgency of the wildfire challenge.
The State of FireTech Report and Annual Updates is a Wonder Labs initiative, produced with support from The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation's Wildfire Resilience Initiative. Contact Dr. Shefali Lakhina for more information on the State of FireTech Reports and podcast.
The State of FireTech 2023 Annual Update main report is a deep dive. It presents detailed analysis on wildfire trends, emerging FireTech categories, policy and funding tailwinds, and the 2023 Survey results.
The State of FireTech 2022 Report introduces emerging FireTech categories, while identifying how policy and funding efforts must be guided by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
The In Brief document is a quick read. It summarizes key wildfire trends, emerging FireTech categories, policy and funding tailwinds, and the 2023 Survey results.